What is Peace? Let's Explore Peace Together


Peace is a condition in which a just and prosperous human life is achieved even though they have social, cultural, and religious differences. However, peace is often associated with conflicts or wars that occur between individuals, groups, or regions. Is peace only that? Let's explore the redefinition of peace.

Peace was first introduced by Johan Galtung. Galtung emphasized that peaceful conditions are conditions without violence and social injustice in society. As the era progresses, the definition of peace for everyone may be different according to each individual's point of view. It is no longer limited to avoiding armed conflict.

Violence is divided into three, namely direct violence, structural violence, and cultural violence. Direct violence is any form of verbal violence that results in physical injury such as war. Structural violence is violence that occurs due to differences in status so it is more in the form of non-verbal such as bullying. Cultural violence is violence that arises from hatred or prejudice originating from religion, ideology, etc.

The forms of violence above prove that peace does not only occur in war but in all lines of life. Bullying leaves suffering or even the burden of trauma on the victim so that the victim feels they don't have enough self-confidence.

Poverty makes people shunned or differentiated rights. The examples above underline the importance of peace playing a role in various aspects of life, leading us to re-interpret the word peace and the problems behind it, that peace should be a condition where everyone gets the same basic rights safely and protected.

How about you? Let's share the meaning of peace with you.

Author by: Yulinar Cahyani

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