Youth For Peace Talks: "Youth Should not be Silent, Should We?"


SDGs' enthusiasts, environmentalists, humanitarian activists, & all youth, we kindly invite you to Youth For Peace Talks: "Youth Should not be Silent, Should We?"

Date: Sunday, 14 Nov 2021
Time: 20.00-21.30 GMT+7
Via: Zoom (RSVP:

Saqib Sheikh (Co-Founder, Rohingya Project)-Malaysia
Azeez A. Salawu (Founder, Community Action for Food Security Initiative)-Nigeria
William Barber III (Founder, The Rural Beacon Initiative LLC)-USA
Fawwaz Syafiq (Youth For Peace Union)-Indonesia

YFP Talks is a platform for youth activists or leaders to share their social/humanitarian activities & how those can promote world peace, as well as a discussion forum between youth to generate more impactful activities in the future. Meanwhile, the current theme reflects our hope that this forum could be a coming-back moment for you to continue your activism approaching the post-pandemic period

Don't hesitate to bring your coffee/tea, confusion, & excitement, here! See you :)

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